So I guess a good introduction would be telling you about myself. I'm 22 years old and live in NC and am a senior in college. I'm getting a double major in Nutrition and Psychology with a minor in Sociology. Basically, I was only majoring in Psych and minoring in Soc...couldn't find a job I actually wanted to do so I tacked on the Nutrition major. It's something I want to do and am so interested in. When I finish school (next december) I'll go through about a year long dietetic internship then sit for my RD (Registered Dietitian) exam. So, as you can see I HAVE to be healthier and be fit so my clients will take me seriously.
I love to work out and I love eating good, healthy food. However, I also love to be lazy and to eat sweets. Chocolate...that would be my biggest downfall. I've always been a sweets person. I could care less about fried foods, fast foods, and salty snacks like chips...but sweets? I've never been able to give it up.
Recently (december 2010) I finally was able to give up drinking soda every day! Woo! I have it every few weeks when I'm really craving it and then I don't want anymore for a while. I'm very proud of that.
Right now I'm on a P90X program. I love it. But I hate it. :) Some things are harder than others so I'm working on doing better. Right now I'm slacking on phase 1, so phase 2 I'm going to push harder. I like to run. Every month I do a 5k with my good friend/running partner (Becky) and she motivates me so much. I can honestly say she's one of my best friends because she motivates me to push harder, do better, be stronger, and just strive to be a better person.
My idea for this blog is to post my ups and downs, motivational pieces, anything that will help me and any of my readers.
PS: My goal is to lose 30 pounds and look lean. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be FIT!
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